Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Hooked on Phonics-online learning

merchants assume all affiliate renumerations,What is Phonics it is all about using sounds to read words,.This is a very important Blog post for our readers to learn the specifics on how to enhance online education through the use of phonics,Research backs up phonics again as a critical factor learning to read and surprisingly not just for kids,are you still there,this program benefits for all children of all ages, abilities and socioeconomic back grounds, LETTERS FORM SOUNDS,SOUNDS FORM WORDS,WORDS FORM SENTENCES,SENTENCES FORM STORIES,STORIES FORM MEANING, MEANING FORMS READING,.... I can remember when learning to read in school they would group achiever to top readers, this program would definetly boost your child's intellect to understand this concept of sounds leading to words,words form sentences , sentences form stories,so when the teacher is guiding students the reading concept sound can and will enhance this concept of understanding the meaning of page content. WELL JUST THINK ABOUT THE FIRST GRADER,The ability to recognize individual words account for 80% of a first grader's reading comprehension. RESEARCH SHOWS that kids with low reading ability usually struggle with word recognition than from reading comprehension. Remember if you are in the GREAT READERS GROUP they will recognize their words more quickly and automatically creating a flow of words when reading their new paragraphs,it is the rythem of words,more confidence,faster learning pace,enabling students to excell,all students want to be great readers enabling to recognize words quickly and the key to success quickly recognize through reading stories practicing decoding sounds and by reading stories mostly 90% within their comfort range.. BEFORE RECOGNIZING WORDS ,KIDS NEED TO SPOT SOUND SYMBOL RELATIONSHIPS,, Studies have demonstrated that the best predicator of early reading ability ,even before the child begins to read,iis his or her understanding of how words are made up of sounds,. JUST THINK WHEN CHILDREN are taught these skills of hearing the sounds in words,they show greater abilities in reading,word recognition and spelling. HOOKED ON PHONICS,LEARN to read includes books and stories woven into the program at the appropriate readbility level to provide opportunities for the child to read for meaning and enjoyment,.. THE PHONICS APPROACH TO READING is one of the most well researched and highly successful reading strategies available for young kids, WHY USE PHONICS,it's so crucial to get a jumstart on kids'reading success at an early age,Not only does early reading success predict reading success at OLDER AGES, but it predicts success across the board, in any subject,And it's hard to catch up reading if reading id not mastered early .love your children,don't let them down. TODDLER WORD LEVEL PREDICTS SUCCESS -Did you know kids prepare for their reading education YEARS before reading their first book. That's because 90% of a child's brain is developed by AGE THREE. That means that by age three a childs vocabulary can predict third grade reading proficiency ,That is why it is so important to get started earlly using a system that works for kids early, ONCE BEHIND DIFFICULT TO CATCH UP , 37% of children today enter kindergarten with the skills necessary to begin their learning journey troubling, By the end of first grade kids are expected to ask questions,remember story details,and talk about each character's adventures,and if a child isn't reading at grade level by that point there is an 88% likelihood that he will still be behind in reading by the fourth grade,and that could change their entire lives because Children who are not reading at grade level by fourth grade are FOUR TIMES more likely to drop out of school and thirteen times more likely to drop out of school if they live in poverty, are you aware that one out of seven adults have such a low literacy skills that they can't read anything more complicated than a childs picture book ,illiteracy doesn't just lead to low self esteem ,it also leads to povery and crime...READING IS THE GATEWAY SKILL TO LEARNING. Reading books helps children develop social emotional and self esteem skills.enabling the power of a positive attitude ,it is the social push they need to survive.Robert great learning program to reading, Hooked on Phonics Web Shop Thank you viewers for reading my blog post concerning the importance for children to learn to read, went ahead to Amazon for their links to the same subject, please check this out for your children,Robert.V-important

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